Telephone Performance Analysis (TPA)
You have the ability to score your front office staff’s performance. This can be very helpful in boosting both their confidence and your practice.
Using Telephone Performance Analysis (TPA), your calls are evaluated against our proprietary criteria called The Core Four Principles. These principles have been developed over 25 years of recording and analyzing calls; it is the anatomy of a phone call.
Each call is reviewed for the call handler's skills to:

Build Relationships

Create Value

Understand Needs

Ask for the Commitment
TPA Scores are calculated and reported for each member of your front office staff. It is a non-biased view of call handling effectiveness. This means you don’t need to listen to every recorded potential patient phone call; our analysts do it for you to find teachable moments to improve phone skills. The reporting is easy to understand so you can help your staff bridge the gap where needed.
How it Benefits You
Advertising is only half the job
Investing in advertising to make the phone ring is part of your business model so you can help more patients. It’s the responsibility of your front office staff to juggle all of the calls, including those of potential patients.
It is imperative to convert potential patients to real patients to validate your advertising investment. You don’t have the time or expertise to listen to every call and evaluate call handler performance, but we do. Analyzing calls is our specialty. You are trained to help more patients; CallSource is here to support your growth and give you the help you need.
Anecdotal information isn’t fair to the staff or effective for you to make sound decisions; most likely you only hear about a few of the good or really mishandled phone calls. To create a performance baseline for continuous improvement, you and your staff need objective telephone telephone performance data. The goal is higher call-to-appointment rates through engaging conversations. CallSource has the tools and experience to help you meet that goal.
How It Works
Non-biased analysis
Our experts analyze and score your potential patient calls (we’ve already eliminated all other calls with Incoming Call Analysis). TPA scores are objectively based on the actual help front office staff members give your patients. Each call is evaluated against the Core Four Principles for consistent results.
Continuous performance improvement
TPA report cards track front office staff’s performance over time so you can see trends by an individual employee and by location. This means a high-level overview of your staff’s performance. Together, you and your front office staff can set objective goals that are ascertainable and measurable.

Improve the customer experience
TPA provides unmatched insights into how your call handlers are engaging with your potential patients in order to find the gaps in performance so they can improve. This means your patients’ experience of your office will improve. It is a win-win!
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